Top 5 Anxiety Tips (Short Term)

January 24, 2018

Hey guys!

I'm always looking for new tips to help with my Anxiety, and last week I shared my long term tips, so this week I thought I would share my short term tips. Feel free to share your own tips down below!

1. Drink lots of water - When I get really anxious I get a really dry mouth. Like Sahara desert dry. I forget how to talk and breath at the same time. I often feel really ill when I get anxious, so deciphering between the two can be difficult. But I would rather have a stomach flu than Anxiety any day, because Anxiety feels exactly the same, just worse. Not only do I find drinking water incredibly useful for combatting my abnormal, weird way of communicating, but it is extremely healthy for you. Your brain needs hydration to function properly, so the more water the better!

2. Don't Eat First Thing - A major trigger for me is events like presentations, interviews, or anything to do with talking to authoritative figures. This generally means I get no sleep the night before, and spend the night lying awake in bed with a stomach ache and being sick (TMI I know but what can you do). The last thing I ever want to do is eat, hence why I don't. So what I do is take some food with me, like a cereal bar, and save it for afterwards. As soon as whatever triggered the Anxiety is over I am usually better in an instant (psychology is a strange thing), and suddenly become hungry because I haven't eaten, hence why I bring food!

3. Stop and Breath - I know it can sound like a cliche, but just taking a moment to stop and breath can seriously help. Deep diaphragmatic breathing triggers our relaxation response, switching from our fight-or-flight response, to the relaxed balanced response of our parasympathetic nervous system. Try breathing in for four counts, then hold for four, and breath out for four, and keep repeating. Honestly it can really help in the moment!

4. Go For a Walk - Go somewhere quiet and go for a walk. If you are anxious about a presentation, go for a walk before hand to help clear your head. Sometimes you just need a bit of space, and somewhere to escape to. I use to get horrible anxiety attacks when starting secondary school in the UK, and me and my mum would go for a walk before school, not necessarily to school though. Walking towards your trigger I found made it worse, because it was getting closer and closer, hence why I would just go for a "random walk" with no potential destination. Not all who wander are lost ;)

5. Stay Connected - I am a very social person. I need to be with people, all the time! Especially when I am anxious, as being alone lets my mind just keep swirling around. Staying connected with people either online (if its right before a presentation, interview, etc. ), or physically being with them (my favourite!) really helps me personally. 

What are your top Anxiety tips? Help a girl out!

Hustle Hard Girl,

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  1. First, You're so pretty.

    And also i love your article! Thanks for sharing such a tips. Keep it up!

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  2. these are good tips! I've always drink lots of water when I had an anxiety attack

    1. Thank you! I know the feeling, sending happy vibes :) xx

  3. I definitely agree with #2. Anxiety just makes me nauseous and almost want to vomit when I eat. Not good.

    1. Very much, the worst. Sending lots of love xx

  4. Wow, this is such a nice read dear. Learned a lot from this, really informative. I'd 100% agree on #3 and the power of controlled breathing for relaxation. Yogis have been practicing this for centuries.

    Jessica |

    1. Thank you girly! Most definitely, I love Yoga, and that is where I first learnt it! xx



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